Inkless Stretch Mark Rejuvenation (ISR) carefully creates micro-abrasions into the dermis layer with a rotary tattoo machine while depositing a custom blend of natural oils and vitamins. This technique triggers your body’s own natural healing response and produces new collagen and elastin which improves cellular turnover and rejuvenation of cells.
Once the treated area is completely healed it will improve appearance, texture and the tone of your stretch marks. Clients usually see 20-80% improvement after the first session; however results vary per person as our individual bodies heal differently. Please note that more than one session is needed for optimum result.

Stretchmark and scar camouflage

The medical camouflage procedure is a form of micropigmentation. Pigments are carefully selected and mixed to match your surrounding skn tone and inserted into the deeper layers of skin using a needling device to correct the colour, making scars or stretch marks appear less visible. The aim of this procedure is not to remove any scars or stretch marks but to camouflage them to the skin.
We apply pigments to best match your skin tone to your stretch marks, scars, C-section scars, and self-inflicted injuries to make them appear as less noticeable as possible.
Treatment can be done on all skin colors; however, darker skin tones may be prone to hyperpigmentation. 30-60% improvement can be seen in just one session; however, 2 to 4 treatments are recommended for the best results. Results can last up to 5 years.