As we age our lips lose their fullness and colour. A Lip Blush Tattoo can help restore your lips to their youthful appearance, whilst correcting asymmetries and re-defining natural lip contours for a more perfect look! You can choose a soft, natural or bold colour.
Ideal for women wanting enhanced lip colour and more defined lip contours, LIP BLUSHING takes the hassle out of reapplying lip liner and lipstick throughout the day. Your lips will always be on point, and the colour won’t disappear if you are eating, drinking, or playing.
Besides enhancing the shape of your mouth, lip blushing can also be used to correct inherent asymmetries – perfect if you have lost colour, shape or lip definition due to the ravages of time!
For optimum results, see before/after care instructions below.
Lip neutralisation is a specialised treatment for those with cool, or dark-toned, lips. It is a procedure often performed on clients with darker skin tones or those whose lips have darkened over time due to weather conditions, hyperpigmentation, or underlying medical issues.
It involves depositing neutralising ink pigments into the lip area to balance darker tones and enhance the natural lip colour, shape, and symmetry. The treatment creates a subtle, rather than saturated, effect to ensure natural-looking results.
For optimum results, see before/after care instructions below.

Follow These Steps To Make Your PMU Appointment A Successful One!
- Pre-care -
Please note that not following pre-care information may impact your healing results.
All permanent makeup procedures has to be scheduled 10 days after the Covid-19 vaccination date
If you have a history of cold sores (herpes simplex), it’s advised that you use anti-herpes medication such as Zovirax ointment that can be obtained from a pharmacy. Use the medication for 1-week prior and 1-week after your appointment up to 5 times a day to reduce the incidence of an outbreak by 50%. Oral anti-herpes medication (Acyclovir) will control the incidence of an outbreak more or less completely. PMU does not cause cold sores, however, if you carry the virus, it lays dormant in the nervous system and can be aroused by the infusion process.
Lightly exfoliating your lips to remove dry, dead skin 1 week ahead of your appointment and again 1-2 days before your scheduled appointment to help with pigment implantation and retention.
Apply Vaseline to help keep your lips moisturized throughout the week before your appointment.
Please note that you will feel more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.
If applicable, bring in your favorite lipstick or lip color for everyday wear to your appointment to help with color matching.
Drink water; hydrating the body will strongly impact the healing process and keep the lips less dry and flaky.
Get adequate sleep! Inadequate sleep will cause more sensitivity to pain.
24 hours before your appointment; do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, or Advil/Ibuprofen. Do not discontinue any medication before consulting your doctor.
24 hours before your appointment no alcohol consumption and no caffeine. Alcohol and caffeine consumption will increase your level of sensitivity to pain regardless of numbing application
No Marijuana 72 hours prior to procedure
No Accutane for 12 months prior to scheduled procedure.
2 weeks before your appointment, discontinue use of Retin-A/Retinol, Waxing and bleaching treatments
4 weeks before your appointment, do not use AHA skincare products, dermal fillers on the lips, or IPL laser hair removal around the lips
Avoid sun and tanning one week prior to your appointment.
- Post-care -
Please be advised that the healing process may take longer if you do not take proper precautionary measures.
Healing Process:
Scabbing and peeling takes approximately 14 days. Final results are seen at 10-12weeks, can be up to 16weeks for dark lips neutralization.
Days 1–4: During the first 4 days of healing, immediately after the lip procedure, you may experience the following symptoms: swelling, redness, and tenderness. Redness may occur around the treatment area. It is normal to experience a hot sensation on the treatment area. Flaking may occur, and you may experience mild itchiness. The skin on the lips may be dry. These symptoms may occur for up to 3 weeks.
Days 3-5: Light flaking/peeling of the skin on the lips will begin during days 3-5. DO NOT PICK, PEEL, OR RUB your lips, as this may lead to premature scabbing (removing the color prematurely), which will cause your lips to heal unevenly. Allow the color to flake away by itself.
The lips may stay sensitive to touch for about 2 weeks after the treatment. It’s important to apply lip ointment for 2 wee
Aftercare Instructions:
Always wash your hands before touching or cleaning your lips.
During the first two days, you may clean the lips by wetting a cotton pad with sterile water, lightly pat on the lips to clean.
To help ease the swelling on the lips, you may ice the lips by placing an ice gel-pack or ice bag over a clean kleenex tissue over the lips.
It is normal that color will fade approximately 40-70% lighter once all the scabs fall off. Color retention varies depending on the conditions of the lips. For example, clients with chappy lips will have lower retention.
Apply the Vitamin A&D healing ointment / Aquaphor lip healing ointment regularly using a clean, disposable cotton bud/Q-tip. Aquaphor can be purchased at via amazon. Please note: Discountine using healing ointment if cold sore appears. Use cold sores special ointment or anti-viral cream.
Do not splash-wash your face.
Clean your lips twice daily with damp cotton pads with sterile water only.
If your lips get wet accidentally, gently pat the area dry using a clean tissue.
Do not apply makeup on your lips or near your lips for a minimum of 14 days.
Avoid spicy/salty foods for at least 3 days. Drink only through a straw for 3 days.
No kissing for a minimum of 7 days to prevent infection.
Do not participate in any skincare/beauty treatments for a minimum of 14 days after the lip procedure.
Do not expose your lips to direct sunlight, tanning treatments, jacuzzis, saunas, saltwater, chlorinated pools, or direct shower spray.
Do not bleach, wax, perform electrolysis, or laser hair removal treatments close to your lips.
Do not use lip-plumping products.
Do not receive lip filler/enhancements.
Important Notes:
If you suffer or have ever suffered from cold sores, see your doctor for prescription medication. If a cold sore outbreak does occur, it will generally begin on day 3 of the healing process. Your tattoo or your artist are not to blame for this. Herpes lies dormant in the nervous system forever and can reappear if you are exposed to trauma.
If you smoke regularly, it can affect the healed results and can cause pigment color shift.
Remember, your selected color will appear bolder, defined, and sharper immediately after your lip tattoo. The next day, your lips will appear darker in color. This is normal.
After the skin has flaked/peeled away from your lips (during days 3-5), your lips will appear as if little or no color is present. This is also normal and part of the healing process.
In the 3 weeks following this, the color will appear softer than the original color.
The approximate scabbing and peeling period is 14 days; however, healing can be prolonged if your immune system is compromised, if you are generally stressed, or by poor diet.
Keep in mind that in many cases, some unevenness of color is to be expected. To achieve your desired lip colour, we need to see how your skin accepts the initial application. This is why a touch-up session is necessary to allow us to fine-tune your lip tattoo.